Why Does Salt Water Cause A Worse Toothache?

Total gingival inflammation

A common and easy solution to a toothache is to rinse your mouth with salt water. Rinsing with salt water disinfects the area and reduces inflammation. This is especially helpful for ulcers and inflamed gums, but some toothaches cannot be relieved by simply rinsing with salt water.

Blisters and inflammation

If it is caused by juvenile inflammation or inflammation, rinsing with salt water will make the pain even more. Because salt water is irritating, gargling with salt water may aggravate the symptoms of toothache. During this time, under the guidance of a doctor, you should take anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as ibuprofen oral suspension, amoxicillin capsules, and metronidazole tablets. If it is caused by fire, dietary adjustment is required. Timely methods for improvement.

Pericoronary inflammation

This is usually the cause of juvenile inflammation, but the possibility that it may be caused by perimesitis cannot be ruled out. If the symptoms do not improve for a long time, you should promptly visit a hospital dentist and work with the doctor to perform a detailed examination of the periodontal tissues to diagnose the cause. If the symptoms are too severe, you should follow the doctor's instructions to perform anesthesia and removal of the dental pulp, which may restore the symptoms of toothache.

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