Which Fruits Help Repair Kidney Damage?

A variety of foods, such as berries, seafood, and dark leafy greens, can help your kidneys recover. They also contain antioxidants that support healthy body function and ward off disease. Red bell peppers are rich in folate, dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B6, but have very little potassium. They are delicious mixed into raw vegetable dips, in tuna salads, or on grilled chicken.


Berries are a great natural source of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. They are low in salt, potassium, and phosphorus, making them a great choice for people with CKD. Blueberries are especially advantageous because they contain two forms of phenols, ellagitannins and anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation and support kidney and heart function. They are also a good source of manganese and vitamin C. Raspberries are a low phosphorus food, containing only 18 mg per cup. They are also great for treating kidney stones caused by calcium oxalate. Eat them uncooked as a salad or incorporate them into your favorite recipes. They also go well in smoothies with fresh fruit.


Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant that prevents kidney damage. They also provide a healthy amount of potassium, which is essential for strong kidneys. It is important to consult a doctor or nutritionist before incorporating oranges or orange juice into your diet. The body needs folate, a B vitamin that is essential for DNA synthesis and cell division. In addition, it may reduce the chances of some blood disorders and birth defects. It is found in a variety of whole grains, fruits, and green and yellow vegetables. Vitamins, minerals, and protein are abundant in milk and other dairy products. However, they should be avoided while following a renal diet because they are rich in phosphorus and potassium. Try almond milk or unsweetened yogurt instead.


Grapes are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, such as resveratrol, quercetin, isorhamnetin, and flavonoids (catechin, epicatechin, and anthocyanins). These help reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and prevent kidney damage. They also support blood pressure regulation. The first line of defense against kidney disease is a nutritious diet. A plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and wine and coffee in moderation is preferable to processed foods, meat, sugary drinks, and sources high in sodium. Talk to your nephrologist about the ideal nutritional balance for you. They may suggest other diets and supplements if you want to promote kidney health. Alternatively, you can search online for recipes for meals suitable for people with kidney disease. Additionally, you can request a referral to a renal nutritionist from your nephrologist.


Eating an apple every day can help lower blood sugar and high cholesterol levels, two risk factors for kidney disease. In addition to providing fiber and antioxidants, it also helps satisfy sweet cravings. People undergoing dialysis may experience constipation, but the soluble fiber in apples may help relieve it. In addition, it also helps lower oxalate levels in the body, which may be linked to the development of kidney stones. Arugula is a nutritious green vegetable with low potassium that goes well with salads for people with kidney disease. It is a good source of calcium, vitamins A and K. In addition, it is also rich in antioxidants and the cancer-preventing compound quercetin. Another red superfood that is low in potassium and rich in fiber, vitamin C and potassium is the cranberry. Try it with your salad or sprinkle it on oatmeal and other dishes to add a little flavor.

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