Get A Boost Of Energy Throughout The Day With These Five Nutritious Breakfast Options

Experts agree that a balanced breakfast should include heart-healthy fats, protein, and complex carbohydrates. These nutritious foods provide important micronutrients, including vitamins and fiber. From smoothies to eggs on toast, these 10 nutritious breakfast alternatives will keep you full until midday.

1. Eggs

Nutritious and protein-rich, eggs are a smart choice for a balanced diet. Try a delicious scramble or egg on toast recipe, such as our pre-made mushroom bacon and egg casserole. Try incorporating vegetables into your egg dishes, such as an omelet with spinach and feta filling or a nutritious breakfast sandwich with fried eggs, avocado and whole wheat toast.

2. Oat flour

For those who want to start their day off on a sweet note, muesli is a great option. Be sure to look for nutritious toppings that are fresh and in season, like nut butters, apples, cinnamon, berries and seeds. Many muesli recipes allow you to prepare muesli in advance. Or add cooked vegetables and a protein (meat or beans) for a delicious breakfast. Bake muesli to make healthy, sweet cookies.

3. Crepes

Pancakes are a great source of energy, especially if you omit the syrup and choose healthy toppings. Consider spreading them with nut butter, fresh berries, or a cinnamon and maple syrup mixture. These inspired flavor pancakes are made with buckwheat flour, giving them a nutty flavor and providing 12 grams of fiber per serving. They're also packed with iron and protein, which is needed to deliver oxygen to the brain and other tissues.

4. Herbal tea

Among the many health benefits of green tea are increased energy and focus. For breakfast, try this chilled blueberry green tea smoothie. Instead of sugary muffins or sweet granola bars, make this nutritious breakfast sandwich. Packed with veggies and protein, this easy smoothie will keep you full throughout the morning. This easy smoothie is packed with fruits and vegetables to give you an energy boost. It's a convenient, on-the-go option for busy mornings.

5. Milkshakes

Having a balanced breakfast increases the chances of meeting your daily dietary requirements. These recipes include savory and sweet options as well as make-ahead options that are convenient to grab while on the go. This berry smoothie provides your morning with leafy greens and extra protein. This nutritious drink is packed with disease-fighting phytochemicals and Vitamin C. For a hearty breakfast, sprinkle on some homemade granola.

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