7 Easy Tricks To Cure Your Back Pain In 5 Minutes

Are you familiar with the phrase, "Ouch, my back hurts!"? If so, then you are aware of the potential impacts: you will no longer be able to bend down to tie your shoes, you will groan in exasperation when you turn around, and even your favorite chair will no longer seem comfortable. You can always deal with this pain on your own, so there is no need to use medication.

7. Relax your spine.

Steps to follow: Sit on the ground with your feet about 5-10cm apart. Roll up a blanket or towel and place it between your knees. Place a pillow between your legs, arch your spine, and lean your torso forward until your head rests on the pillow. Spend at least 5 minutes in this relaxed position. How it works: This pose helps by releasing tension in the back muscles, eliminating back spasms, and realigning the spine.

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